How Much Does It Cost to Ship a Small Package

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USPS International Shipping Rates

Globe with package orbiting it

Shipping internationally? It's a snap with USPS's many options plus online tools from

Globe with package orbiting it

If you sell to international markets, you'll find a variety of mail class options and price points with the USPS. Here's a look at information you can use to get started.

International Shipping Rates

Use the table below to familiarize yourself with the different international shipping options available from USPS.

Mail Class Delivery Time Ideal For
Global Express Guaranteed ® 1 to 3 Business Days Mail and packages weighing up to 70 lbs.
Priority Mail Express International 3 to 5 Business Days Mail and packages weighing up to 70 lbs.
Priority Mail Express International Flat Rate 3 to 5 Business Days Mail weighing up to 4 lbs. shipping
Priority Mail International 6 to 10 Business Days Mail and packages weighing up to 70 lbs.
Priority Mail International Flat Rate 6 to 10 Business Days Mail weighing up to 4 lbs. & packages weighing up to 20 lbs.
First‑Class Package International Service 11 to 20 Business Days Small packages weighing up to 4 lbs.
First‑Class Mail International Varies by Destination Mail (postcards, letters and large envelopes) weighing up to 3.5 ounces
Mail Class Shipment Value Tracking Capabilities
Global Express Guaranteed ® Unlimited Date specific delivery (managed by FedEx Express)
Priority Mail Express International Unlimited Tracking information available with USPS Track & Confirm Tool
Priority Mail Express International Flat Rate Unlimited Tracking information available with USPS Track & Confirm Tool
Priority Mail International Unlimited Tracking information available with USPS Track & Confirm Tool
Priority Mail International Flat Rate Up to $400* Tracking information available with USPS Track & Confirm Tool
First‑Class Package International Service Up to $400 Free USPS Tracking information for select destinations
First‑Class Mail International Up to $400 None

*Shipment value is unlimited for Priority Mail International medium and large boxes.

Mail Class Shipping Rate Shipping to Canada Shipping to U.K. Shipping to Australia
Global Express Guaranteed ® Starts at $67.80 Starts at $67.80 Starts at $87.05 Starts at $101.00
Priority Mail Express International Starts at $45.95 Starts at $45.95 Starts at $66.95 Starts at $69.35
Priority Mail Express International Flat Rate Starts at $45.95 Starts at $45.95 Starts at $66.95 Starts at $69.95
Priority Mail International Starts at $37.60 Starts at $37.60 Starts at $57.75 Starts at $55.70
Priority Mail International Flat Rate Starts at $28.50 Starts at $28.50 Starts at $39.70 Starts at $40.15
First‑Class Package International Service Starts at $14.25 Starts at $14.25 Starts at $16.25 Starts at $18.25
First‑Class Mail International Starts at $1.30 Starts at $1.30 Starts at $1.30 Starts at $1.30

Swipe right to see entire table

How Can Help

  •'s handy International Rate Calculator helps you determine the price point and delivery time frame that makes the most sense for you.
  • Our Integrated Customs Forms insert the delivery address, your name, the date and USPS Electronic Round Stamp directly onto the form.
    Once you print out the completed form and postage, you're set to ship.
  • As a customer, you have access to discounts not available at your local post office, such as up to 7% off of international rates and up to 40% off of insurance.
  • If you find you need technical advice or simply have a question, just contact one of our customer support specialists for answers from a live person — at no extra cost.

Free* 5 lb. Digital Scale with Sign-up

5 pound digital scale with envelope on top of it

Every new customer account starts with:

  • Free* 5 lb. Digital Scale with sign-up
  • 4-week trial
  • $5 in USPS postage to use in trial period
  • USPS rate discounts you can't get at the Post Office
  • No long-term contracts, cancel anytime
  • Only $17.99 per month plus applicable taxes, if any, including the first month if you stay past the 4-week trial
    *pay only S&H fee

5 pound digital scale with envelope on top of it

How Much Does It Cost to Ship a Small Package


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