what the bible says about talking to the dead


Q: What does the Bible say nigh
talking to the dead ?


Is it incorrect to contact or communicate with the dead? Someone I know claims to have been visited past a deceased relative. Is this whatever different than praying to the dead, equally in Roman Catholicism?DC, California

A: The Former Testament term for communicating with the dead is "necromancy." (Deuteronomy 18:11, also read verse 10) It is forbidden past God: "There shall non be plant among you... For whoever does these things is insufferable to the Lord" (an "anathema," KJV).

Likewise see: 1 Samuel 28:three-20; 2 Chronicles 10:xiii, 14; Isaiah 8:xix-22. The penalization for contacting the dead is very astringent, if non repented of.

This must also include what Roman Catholicism claims is praying to the "saints" -- the deceased who have been beatified, canonized, or placed in a position of spiritual superiority past the hierarchy. (Scripture refers to all believers as "saints.") The real strength at work in such "apparitions" (appearances of the deceased) is deception: demonic activity, evil spirits. Satan disguises himself as "an affections of light," it says in 2 Corinthians 11:14.  (He doesn't approach us saying, "Boo!" or we'd run & hide.)

W hen prophecies or visions fail to come to pass, we know they're not of God (Deuteronomy eighteen:21-22). Simply fifty-fifty if a vision or prophecy does come to laissez passer, scripture says, we are still instructed to examine or discern the source: if it doesn't glorify Jesus -- if it glorifies any other person, living or dead -- information technology'south not of God.

When someone claims to have received a "vision" of the dead, it'south actually a deception of the enemy -- demon forces at work. Luke affiliate xvi contains excellent instruction on the country of the expressionless, referring to an impassable separation between the after-life and this world. Those in the next globe, saved or otherwise, simply practise non return to deliver messages to the living:

"[Lazarus] died and was carried past the angels into Abraham's bosom," and the rich man died and suffered torment in Hades. A "corking gulf" separated the two and was "fixed:  so that they which would laissez passer from hence to you cannot; neither can they laissez passer to the states, that would come from thence." (Luke xvi:nineteen-31)

Another example is the instance in which, at the death of his son, David testified: "I shall go to him, just he shall not return unto me." (two Samuel 12:15-23)

N ot all miracles are of God. Satan performs lying signs and wonders (Exodus vii:9-12; 8:seven, 17-19; Deuteronomy 13:1-five; Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22; 2 Thessalonians two:9; Revelation 13:13-fourteen, 16:14; 19:20) The magicians in the times of Moses and Daniel could perform some magic (Exodus 7:9-12; viii:vii; Daniel 1:20) ... just their power is limited (Exodus viii:17-nineteen; Daniel 2:2, 10, 27; 4:seven; 5:7-eight, 15).

Many Roman Catholics and others, lacking discernment* and noesis of the Scriptures ("My people perish for lack of knowledge") -- and trusting the hierarchy of human being -- fail to "test the spirits and run into whether they exist of God" (1 John 4:1). They assume the priests do that for them! Some of the main points relative to this issue include:

If a sign or wonder predicted comes to pass, simply the person is enticed to follow after some other god, nosotros are to reject it. (Deuteronomy 13:one-5) As well, if the message delivered is contrary to Scripture, it's not from God (Isaiah 8:20; ii Timothy three:16). Some religious messages don't glorify Jesus at all; rather, the "vision" is glorified and, repeated again and again, perpetuated by tradition.

T he Roman Catholic practice of praying to and for the expressionless can be traced in role to the Sometime Testament counterfeit books (ii Maccabees 12:46 "It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead.") These books, rejected from the catechism ("rule," or "standard") of Scripture, contain historical and geographical errors, and many teachings inconsistent with the residual of scripture:  salvation by almsgiving; suicide; magic; angelic intercession; etc. Definitely aught sturdy upon which to base one'southward eternal destiny.

* discernment is learned past experience (Hebrews 5:14), through knowledge of the Bible (Hebrews four:12; two Timothy iii:15, 6; Ezekiel 44;23)

--Diane S. Dew © 1998



Source: http://www.dianedew.com/talkdead.htm

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